Easy-On Toilet Paper Holder

This Easy-On Toilet Paper Holder makes changing rolls a matter of seconds. Literally, it will take you one second to change the paper roll in your bathroom.

Toilet paper holders are funny. We install them to keep the room neater and the toilet time more efficient.

But then we leave the empty toilet paper roll in there for months at a time because it’s too much hassle to change it.

This creative toilet paper holder can be attached to any existing holder. It’s a simple two-part attachment. 

Easy-On Toilet Paper Holder

With most paper holders having a long and bulky core that takes forever to take out, this gadget presents another approach.

Working a bit like saloon doors, this attachment’s arms snap onto the fresh paper roll and dispose of the empty one in one second. You can also simply grab the old paper roll upwards and it will be released. No hassle.

Easy-On Toilet Paper Holder

These paper holder arms will be available in multiple colors in order to blend in with your existing toilet paper holder. It’s a faster and more hygienic approach to changing paper rolls, plain and simple.

This attachment is expected to be released sometime in 2018. 

Easy-On Toilet Paper Holder

Easy-On Toilet Paper Holder

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