Hurricane Water Saver

Unfortunately, there are some situations such as a serious storm or hurricane during which access to water can become either limited or, even worse, contaminated.

During these emergency circumstances where the water supply to your own home becomes inaccessible or polluted, saving precious time (usually spent traveling to a store) and money (on gallons of expensive bottled water), is paramount.

Say goodbye to water that spoils quickly from exposure to the air and debris and make sure you’re prepared for any event with The waterBOB® water containment system!

This incredible storage system can store up to 100 gallons of fresh drinking water in any standard bathtub and keeps it fresh and drinkable for up to 16 weeks! 

Hurricane Water Saver

It’s also incredibly easy to use. Once you’ve unboxed the product and have laid the liner inside your bathtub, you can attach the included fill sock to your faucet.

Hurricane Water Saver

It takes around 20-30 minutes to fill up completely and can then be easily siphoned out using the pump included with your kit. Use this water for drinking, washing, cooking and even to flush the toilet with! 

Hurricane Water Saver

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