We’ve all woken up at night for a quick trip to the bathroom. Whether it’s to make your bladder gladder, drink a glass of water, or to splash some cold water on your face, we’ve all been there.
The worst part of the late-night trip to the bathroom is turning on the jarringly bright lights. How are you supposed to sleep afterward with your eyes and head hurting from the light assault?
Well, you won’t have to deal with that problem if you get Illumisoap, a night light soap dispenser, Illumisoap apart from being a soap dispenser acts as your personal night light.
It will assist you during any of the aforementioned tasks at night while being very easy on the eyes in both the looks and brightness. It is not only motion-activated but it also lights up only in the dark. It is the Batman of soap dispensers: gives out soap by day, illuminates the way at night.
This cool soap dispenser is made by the same company that made the brilliant motion activated toilet light it also has three levels of brightness to choose from. With this feature, you can easily find the best setting that will not put a strain on your eyes at night. A fun and aesthetically pleasing feature of Illumisoap is that you can choose the color it will emanate.
You can experiment with color settings every day, assign some meaning to each color to communicate with your housemates, or choose color-cycle so it will decide on a color itself. Eight colors are a lot to take in so choose wisely!
Apart from being a sleek and beautiful soap dispenser, Illumisoap actually solves a real-life problem. Your eyes will thank you for the soft light and you won’t have to stumble in the dark to find the sink. There are not many cool bathroom gadgets but when they do pop out it’s a treat.