A Woman Tried to Get High by Injecting a Black Widow—It Didn’t End Well

In a startling case from the 1990s, a 37-year-old woman attempted to achieve a high by injecting a concoction of crushed black widow spider mixed with distilled water.

Shortly after the injection, she experienced severe muscle cramps, particularly in her abdomen, thighs, and back, accompanied by headaches and anxiety.

Upon arrival at the emergency department, her vital signs were alarming, with a heart rate of 188 beats per minute and blood pressure at 188/108 mm Hg.

Despite treatment with morphine, her condition deteriorated, leading to breathing difficulties that necessitated intensive care.

Medical professionals attributed her symptoms to the potent neurotoxic venom of the black widow, which is known to cause muscle pain, cramping, and autonomic dysfunction.

This case underscores the dangers of experimenting with unknown substances and highlights the severe effects of black widow venom on the human body.

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