Life-Sized Inflatable Speed Boat

Have you been dreaming of owning a boat your entire life, but seem no closer to achieving it? Well, you can now strike it off your list with the Life-Sized Inflatable Speed Boat!

Designed to resemble a real-life speed boat, this innovative vessel has plenty of room for your summer party.

It only weighs 62 pounds before inflation and will not take up much space. But when you blow it up, you get 20 feet length by 10 feed width by 3 feet height.

With a weight limit of 1,300 pounds, it can hold six to nine adults, comfortably seated. 

Life-Sized Inflatable Speed Boat

A spacious rear side can hold the bulk of your party. And it has an opening in the center to dangle your feet in water.

Life-Sized Inflatable Speed Boat

Up front, you can have an additional two to three people looking out for icebergs and doing all the things captains do.

Life-Sized Inflatable Speed Boat

Cup holders spread out in the seating area and a built-in cooler ensure you never have to run out of cold drinks.

Isn’t this the stuff of dreams?

Find one on ebay also  >> Here

Life-Sized Inflatable Speed Boat

Life-Sized Inflatable Speed Boat

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