Personal Shade & Sun Protection Device

When sunbathing, how do you protect your eyes from the sun? The obvious answer is sunglasses, but nobody wants to look like a reverse raccoon afterward.

People have come up with plenty of ways to protect their faces and eyes from the blazing sun. T-shirts, magazines pillows, all of them have probably landed on your face at some point when sun rays were too much. Plus, don’t forget about the

Plus, don’t forget about the ageing effect the sun can have on your skin. But no need to worry. This personal shade & sun protection device makes all these problems obsolete.  

Personal Shade & Sun Protection Device

This device offers your face protection from the sun, wind, and sand that can be flying around. When not in use, it lays flat on the sand.

But when it is time for sunbathing or drying out in the sun, it changes its shape into a half-dome. It keeps your eyes from hurting, safeguards your skin from sunburns and helps you relax and enjoy the weather.

Personal Shade & Sun Protection Device

Personal Shade & Sun Protection Device

This personal shade device is already a must-have this summer. But it can have even more features, tailored to your own needs. You can purchase a cooler cushion to place underneath the back of your head.

Personal Shade & Sun Protection Device

It will provide you with a cool pleasant feeling and will keep the heat stroke further away. If you want, this device can offer sun protection not only to you but also to the drinks you bring with you.

Personal Shade & Sun Protection Device

Yes, it can be converted into a handy drink holder that keeps your drinks in the shade and away from the sun rays.

Personal Shade & Sun Protection Device

Another handy accessory available with this device is a solar panel battery. Even if the sun will no longer be of your concern, you can’t have it go to waste.

Charge your phone or use a portable fan thanks to this device’s awesome add-ons. 

Personal Shade & Sun Protection Device

This thing is the coolest summer gadget and can save lots of men, women, and kids plenty of trouble on the beach.

More specifically, how about not breathing in the smell of a wet towel on your face and, instead, hiding in your personal shade? Sounds brilliant.

Personal Shade & Sun Protection Device

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