Pilule Pet: The Pill That Turns Stinky Farts into Sweet Scents!

The Birth of Pilule Pet

The idea for Pilule Pet originated during a hearty meal when Poincheval and his friends were nearly overwhelmed by the unpleasant odors of their own flatulence. Determined to find a solution, he collaborated with a laboratory to develop a natural supplement that could neutralize the stench and replace it with delightful fragrances.

Fragrance Varieties

Pilule Pet offers a range of scents to suit different preferences:

Product Specifications

Each bottle of Pilule Pet contains 60 capsules, made with a bovine-based gelatin envelope that is certified Kosher and EU Halal. The recommended dosage is 2 to 6 capsules per day during meals, depending on your diet and the desired effect. The product is 100% natural and manufactured in France, adhering to strict quality control standards.

Health and Safety Compliance

Pilule Pet is recognized as a dietary supplement and complies with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994. In France, the product is verified by the DGCCRF, ensuring it meets all regulatory requirements for ingredients and recommended daily dosage.


With Pilule Pet, you can bid farewell to embarrassing odors and embrace a more fragrant experience. Whether you’re looking to add a touch of humor to your gatherings or simply want to improve your personal comfort, Pilule Pet offers a unique and natural solution to transform your flatulence into a pleasant surprise.

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