The Underwater Hotel

The Underwater Hotel in the Maldives is not a place to sleep in during your travels. It’s a stunning destination you’ll never want to leave.

This hotel was built in a stunningly beautiful location and is actually very comfortable. It offers nice rooms and great facilities. But the main attraction is the underwater restaurant.

It is called 5.8 and that’s because it is located 5.8 meters underwater.

The whole place is made of very thick 5-inch glass, which is safe, stable and offers a great view of the ocean around you. 

The Underwater Hotel

The menu in the restaurant really suits the place. It’s based on tasting small amounts of exquisite food (as you would imagine it’s seafood-based) in a planned routine, which can take up to 3 hours.

You can spend that time enjoying the spectacular natural view, offered by the ocean. The view is always great thanks to a group of divers who clean the restaurant twice a day. You will never see underwater wildlife so clearly. 

The Underwater Hotel

So why would you visit the Underwater Hotel? Amazing place, comfortable rooms, great food, and wildlife in the palm of your hand. Why wouldn’t you? 

The Underwater Hotel

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