Best Friendship Wish Necklaces

Personalized necklaces go a long way in sealing the perfect bond of friendship.

This piece adds a special touch to make it all the more worthwhile. It is a delicate steel necklace with a custom glass locket.

The locket encloses any given number of dandelion seeds and this is what makes this necklace truly unique. Dandelion seeds are not only delicately beautiful, but they are also rich with symbolism. 

There is a popular belief that these ornate seeds hold the power to grant your wish when you blow upon them. Imagine how many wishes a dear friend would get with one of these close to their hearts! 

Best Friendship Wish Necklaces

The dandelion is also known for its capability to pop up and thrive in virtually all conditions. It is easy to spot them in cracks on the sidewalks and shallow pinches of soil. This aspect symbolizes the ability to overcome any challenge life throws your way.

Best Friendship Wish Necklaces

The seeds also signify healing and lasting happiness. It is easy to see why this simple feature makes the wish necklace one of the best gifts for a friend you hold dear. 

Best Friendship Wish Necklaces

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