Nut Wizard

Jump onto autumn garden chores like a pro with Nut Wizard. This handy outdoor gadget can collect nuts, acorns, and apples off the ground in just a few smooth sweeps.

Yes, the name is hilarious. But Nut Wizard actually looks like a handy gadget to have in your shed.

This nut gathering tool consists of two parts. The main basket has flexible rods that “swallow” nuts, acorns, apples, walnuts, pear, and anything else that can be found in your orchard. Simply roll the tool over the ground and it will collect the items off of it.

The basket comes in several different sizes so you can match it to what you’ll be collecting. So for acorns, you will get a basket with more rods than that for apples. Simple. 

Nut Wizard

The standard wooden handle that comes with every tool can be extended to suit your needs.

Nut Wizard

Designed to make your chores easier and back healthier, the Nut Wizard is a must have for any proud garden owner.

Nut Wizard

Why spend your days crawling around the yard, picking acorns up, if you can just leave it to Nut Wizard?

Nut Wizard

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