6-in-1 Optical Illusion Flip Book

If coloring books are too old for you at this point and you want to try something more interesting, we’ve got you covered.

Molecularis is a 6-in-1 Optical Illusion Flip Book that combines animation, coloring, and optical illusion in one pocket-sized notebook.

If you need a refresher on what flip books are it’s fairly simple. Flip books have pictures on every page and when you quickly flip through the pages they create a small animation.

Molecularis completely reinvents flip books by combining them with optical illusion and coloring. 

6-in-1 Optical Illusion Flip Book

Instead of featuring 2 animations (like in traditional flip books with one animation per page side) it features 6. Yes, depending on where you hold your thumb while flipping through pages you can get 6 animations out of 1 flip book. Nuts. 

6-in-1 Optical Illusion Flip Book

Molecularis has 180 pages (90 sheets) of fine 100% recycled heavy paper with a semi-rough surface. The paper is suitable for any kind of media you choose for coloring. Colored pencils, watercolor, marker, technical pencils, and more.

6-in-1 Optical Illusion Flip Book

If you’d rather create your own animations, Molecularis has a buddy called Blanko. It’s a 320-page blank flip book with instructions on principles of animation that you can use to create your own little masterpieces. It’s perfect for beginner animators as well as for those who want to have a cool but relaxing hobby.

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