This Wearable Voice Recording Device allows you to record your thoughts, ideas, and plans on the go which then gets converted into text and sent to your Cloud.
Now, how many times have you thought of something, willed yourself to remember to write it down and then inadvertently forgot about it?
Too many times, I guess. You could, of course, make a note in your smartphone, but even reaching for it can be troublesome in some situations.
With this unique gadget, every time an idea pops into your head you simply need to tap the device twice, speak out your thoughts and tap it again to turn it off.
The device can be worn as a brooch, bracelet or necklace. It clears the recording from all the background noise and boasts a speech recognition software that makes notes out of your voice.
It can also work independently from your smartphone, so that’s a whole new range of opportunities for you. One of the coolest gadgets?