Would you like to wear a mask that can also be used to grow sunflowers? Currently, we are still in a pandemic situation and wearing masks is still recommendable in various places. Disposing used masks becomes a new problem because they don’t decay quickly.
We desperately need an environmentally friendly alternative. And fortunately, the Marie Bee Bloom biodegradable face mask is here!
This disposable and super eco-friendly face mask contains sunflower seeds that can be planted after you are done using it. The Marie Bee Bloom face mask is created from materials that can decay fast. The decayed used mask will become a nourishment for sunflower seedlings that sprout from it.
For your information, the innovative Marie Bee Bloom face mask is highly biodegradable because it uses a combination of rice paper, sheep wool, and potato starch. The three materials will be able to be absorbed by the environment quickly because they are organic.
This environmentally friendly face mask innovation was designed by the genius mind of Marianna de Groot-Pons, a graphic designer from the Netherlands.
The prolonged pandemic situation has created a waste problem in the form of disposable masks. Everyday we always need to change masks and throw them away because they get dirty overtime. The massive volume of used masks may eventually become too overwhelming to be recycled and may harm wildlifes.
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Disposable masks that can not degrade quickly will cause problems for wild animals. They can get entangled by the ear strings. Furthermore, some masks use elastic rubbers for the cord and that material will not easily decay.
Additionally, disposable masks that got thrown in the ocean may get eaten by big fish or whales. These giant ocean animals may eventually die because they can’t digest face masks.
Luckily, with the Marie Bee Bloom face mask, the used ones will not become a pollutant even if they got thrown or buried in the environment. Instead, this eco-friendly mask will create a new life as the sunflower seeds sprout out.
Not only is this mask environmentally friendly, the materials used to make Marie Bee Bloom Face Mask will insure you to stay comfortable. The combination of rice paper materials and sunflower seeds may provide adequate filtering. The sheep wools and potato starch cords ensure that the mask stays fit comfortably around your face.
The degraded Marie Bee Bloom face mask becomes a bed for young sunflowers. When the time comes, instead of piles of unused mask trash, you get a beautiful sunflowers bed.
For environmentally conscious people, Marie Bee Bloom face mask is a must have. You can help fight the pandemic by wearing masks responsibly and produce less pollution!