Biolite Campstove2 Bundle 

Transform your camping experiences into a delight with one of the most ingenious camp stoves ever.

The Biolite Campstove 2 Bundle has everything it takes to offer modern conveniences on your off-the-grid expeditions.

Capable of cooking, boiling water, charging your devices, lighting up your space and even grilling, the unit is the missing piece in your adventure backpack.

Among the highlights of the concept is the fact that it uses flames to harness power for charging your devices. 

Biolite Campstove2 Bundle

Reducing the risks of open fire stoves remarkably as well as their toxic emissions is a major bonus of the design. Another plus is the fact that it cuts down on fuel consumption by at least 50%.

Biolite Campstove2 Bundle

A nested packing arrangement makes the set easy to pack up for a camping trip or other outdoors excursion. You do not have to carry gas or fuel with you, as the device uses twigs, branches, and anything else that you can find around you.

Biolite Campstove2 Bundle

Whether you are a survivalist or adventure lover, this set belongs in your collection. 

Biolite Campstove2 Bundle

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