Bite Irritation Neutralizing Device

Those who constantly get bitten by mosquitoes will appreciate the soothing effect of this Bite Irritation Neutralizing Device.

Using the innovative Thermo-Pulse technology it eliminates the itch and helps shrink the bite mark.

When we get bitten by mosquitoes, they inject us with their saliva. Apart from being gross, it is also what causes us to itch like madmen. That’s where this device comes in.

Place the device’s tip directly on the bite and turn it on. The Thermo-Pulse technology will start delivering heat and vibration to the affected area. 

Bite Irritation Neutralizing Device

This will increase the localized blood flow and circulation, forcing the nasty saliva out of that area and soothing the itch. Around 45 seconds of bite treatment should be enough, but you can apply once again after waiting out about a minute.

Bite Irritation Neutralizing Device

This small device is drug- and chemical-free. It is battery operated and can be used as many times as the battery will allow, unlike anti-bug patches and essences. Perfect for people with that sweet sweet blood that makes every mosquito in the area go crazy.

Bite Irritation Neutralizing Device

Bite Irritation Neutralizing Device

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