The German Shepherd Dog is one of America’s most popular dog breeds. They owe part of their fame to Corporal Lee Duncan, who rescued a young puppy from a bullet-and bomb-riddled breeding kennel in France during World War I. They’re also one of the most intelligent working dogs. Moreover, their dedication and bravery are unrivaled. They’re also incredibly adaptable. And for that reason, the dogs have done a lot of work to help people.
Furthermore, Alsatian is another name for the breed. German Shepherds are a relatively new dog breed, with roots dating back to 1899. Today, they can be found in shelters and breed-specific rescues despite their purebred status. In case you are planning to adopt one or just interested in this breed, then you should learn more facts about German Shepherd first. Therefore, we have picked the fascinating facts that will blow your mind.
Table of Contents
- 1. The Popular and Smart Dogs
- 2. They Are The Best Police Dogs
- 3. The Protective Dog of Their Loved Ones
- 4. They are The Best Family Dogs
- 5. They are Known as a Mouthy Breed
- 6. German Shepherds Shed a Lot of Fur
- 7. German Shepherd Dogs are Very Versatile
- 8. They Can’t Be Left Alone For More Than 8 Hours
- 9. German Shepherds are Members of The Herding Group
- 10. They Will Reach 24 Inches Tall
- 11. They Have Great Low Temperature Toleration
- 12. They Love to Sleep Over 14 Hours a Day
- 13. Males are More Aggressive Than Females
- 14. Drink More Than 2 Liters of Water to Stay Hydrated
- 15. The Soft Rock and Reggae Music Lover
1. The Popular and Smart Dogs
In reality, the German Shepherd has been the second most popular dog in the United States for the past ten years, and it has been in the top ten for decades. Moreover, owners may ask if German Shepherds were chosen because of their high dog intellect, despite their threatening appearance. German Shepherds are among the world’s smartest dogs. According to canine psychologist Stanley Coren, they’re the third brightest dog breed in terms of obedience and work intelligence.
Furthermore, Captain Max von Stephanitz and other breeders founded the breed in Germany in 1899. It was known as Deutsche Schäferhunde in German. Because German Shepherds are among the brightest breeds, be persistent, employ positive reinforcement-based approaches, provide enough of mentally engaging toys, and play brain-challenging games with them.
2. They Are The Best Police Dogs
Walls, doors, windows, and other surfaces bear witness to their meticulous sniffing. Because they have millions more scent receptors, all canines have a greater sense of smell than humans which is 10,000 to 100,000 times better. However, when compared to other breeds, the German Shepherd Dogs have one of the best scenting abilities. Therefore, it’s no surprise that they make fantastic police and detection dogs.
Moreover, German Shepherd Dogs are noted for bomb and narcotics detection, tracking, and search and rescue, among other things. While a police dog’s strength is excellent, it’s also necessary to minimize damage as much as possible during capture. In some circumstances, this makes the German Shepherd also a better candidate for suspect apprehension. Hence, some police departments prefer the German Shepherd to the Rottweiler for these reasons.
3. The Protective Dog of Their Loved Ones
If you are going to adopt this dog, then you surely will get a great protector. German Shepherds are noted for their bravery and self-assurance. They are capable of standing their ground and acting as a watchdog or protector, depending on the situation. Moreover, they are aloof among strangers but not unfriendly. This innate protective instinct gives the German Shepherd owner peace of mind.
However, this benefit comes with some responsibility. You should devote time to socializing and teaching your dog so that he or she feels comfortable around strangers and other canines. If you do, you will reap the rewards of everything this dog has to give.
4. They are The Best Family Dogs
Owners of German Shepherds are never alone since their faithful companions are constantly nearby. German Shepherd Dogs are compassionate and caring with their family, despite being slow to warm up to others. Moreover, the breed’s friendly and loyal personality are a plus, and they have a special fondness for children.
Furthermore, they are loyal and will bond well with the family children if started at an early age.They also have a lot of stamina and energy, making them a great playmate for active kids. Allowing your German Shepherd to spend as much time as possible with you will bring out the best in them.
5. They are Known as a Mouthy Breed
Due to their breeding goal of herding sheep and other livestock, German Shepherds are a mouthy breed. That inclination has remained unchanged over time. They would herd the sheep in the appropriate direction with their mouths, so when they mouth you, they are imitating that behavior.
Because this is a natural activity, expect your German Shepherd Dogs to mouth you and chew anything that will fit within their mouth. That isn’t to say you should let it happen. With this breed, it’s critical to teach your dog not to bite your hand or chew on the furniture. In addition, teach your German Shepherd how to safely and effectively channel his instincts.
6. German Shepherds Shed a Lot of Fur
Dog fur is a way of life for all German Shepherd owners. Their fur could be on the furniture, the floor, and every piece of clothing you own. In fact, the ideal German Shepherd Dog has a medium-length double coat with a dense outer coat, according to the German Shepherd Dog breed standard. And that’s a whole lot of fur!
These dogs not only shed all year, but they also lose all of their undercoat twice a year, in the spring and fall. Their coat protects them from changing seasons as well. Therefore, brush your dog on a regular basis to aid with shedding. Fur balls will still fly about, but try considering them as a badge of honor for German Shepherd owners.
7. German Shepherd Dogs are Very Versatile
German Shepherd Dog owners understand that their dogs were bred to work. Therefore, simply ask your dog to help you with any task. The perfect German Shepherd, in fact, has a body and gait that are suited to the arduous work that is its primary job. This means that your dog can perform practically everything well.
German Shepherds were originally intended to be herding dogs, but their intelligence and agility set them apart, and they are now used in a variety of jobs. Furthermore, German Shepherds excel at a variety of dog sports, including rally, agility, scent work, therapeutic work, and service dog work. The only thing stopping you from teaching your dog is the time and energy you have available.
8. They Can’t Be Left Alone For More Than 8 Hours
German Shepherds should not be left alone for longer than eight hours every day. However, it also depends on their age. In puppy age, they only can be left for less than one hour per day. These dogs will find a way to release their energy, most often in ways you don’t desire.
They are quickly bored, and if left alone for lengthy periods of time, they may engage in disruptive or troublesome activity such as digging, chewing, or barking. If you want to have a German Shepherd Dog, you definitely will get all the exercise you require as well to ensure that he is happy and enjoyable to live with.
9. German Shepherds are Members of The Herding Group
German Shepherds, which belong to the Herding Group, are working dogs that were originally bred to herd and defend sheep. If you own this breed, you’re used to having your nose nudged. This dog is simply doing what comes naturally to him, whether it’s a nose in the back, a nose on your leg, or even a nose in your face.
Although this breed is no longer commonly used to herd, its herding heritage persists. It’s totally normal for German Shepherd Dogs to herd human family members in addition to herding features like autonomous thinking and intelligence. Furthermore, they may also engage in “following ahead” behavior, which involves strolling ahead of you while looking behind to check you’re going in the proper way.
10. They Will Reach 24 Inches Tall
How big does a full-grown German shepherd get? German shepherd males are larger and taller than female German shepherds. According to the American Kennel Club German Shepherd Standard, an adult male German Shepherd is 24 to 26 inches tall, while an adult female German Shepherd is 22 to 24 inches tall.
German shepherds typically mature in stages based on their age. Male German shepherds finish growing at 9 months of age, whereas female German shepherds achieve their maximum height at 8 months. They may grow a half-inch or an inch more as they mature, but once males are 2 to 2,5 years old and females are 2,5 to 3 years old, they will cease growing completely.
11. They Have Great Low Temperature Toleration
German Shepherds, like any other breed, get cold. They do, however, handle cold temperatures better than most breeds due to their sturdy physique and double coats. The dog’s outer coat is long and coarse, and it protects them from snow and ice. The undercoat is thick and soft, and it protects the dog from both cold and heat in the winter and summer.
Moreover, many German Shepherd Dogs enjoy playing in the snow. Even after being out in the snow for one to two hours, their dogs were OK. If a German Shepherd has a thick coat, eats a nutritious diet, or is muscular, he may be able to survive even lower temperatures. For limited periods of time, some long-haired German Shepherds can withstand temperatures as low as 10° F.
12. They Love to Sleep Over 14 Hours a Day
German Shepherd puppies, as previously said, exhibit short bursts of energy followed by long, restful naps. It may appear that your puppy has an endless supply of excitement when playing or walking. They do, however, fall into a deep sleep and may even snore once they’ve worn out. While there is no set number, most German Shepherds sleep 15 to 20 hours per day as puppies and more than 14 hours per day as seniors.
Generally, German Shepherd will sleep 12 to 14 hours per day once fully grown. Though this may appear to be a lot, it is not the same as a human’s 8 hours of sleep per night. German Shepherds will nap throughout the day and then sleep for 6 or 8 hours while their human sleeps.
13. Males are More Aggressive Than Females
Male German Shepherds are more violent than female German Shepherds, according to research. This suggests that a family should think about getting a female companion instead of a guy. Males are superior at duties like protection and guarding, and they may thrive in a home without children without sufficient training.
Furthermore they’re also more emotionally stable and stronger than their female counterparts. Female German shepherds, on the other hand, are friendlier, more obedient, and less difficult to train. Hence, female German Shepherd Dogs are suitable for family protection, while male German Shepherd Dogs are excellent for personal protection.
14. Drink More Than 2 Liters of Water to Stay Hydrated
Because German Shepherds are large, energetic dogs, they require a lot of water on a regular basis. Lack of water can cause a variety of health problems, including renal disease and diabetes. When compared to smaller or sedentary breeds, German Shepherds drink a lot of water. They drink 62 to 88 ounces or equal with 1.8 to 2.6 liters of water per day on average to stay hydrated.
In warmer weather or when exercising a lot, a German Shepherd Dog may need to drink more. Because dry food contains less moisture than wet or raw food, dogs who consume mostly dry food may require extra water. In addition, senior dogs may also require more water, albeit an unexpected increase in their water consumption could indicate a health problem.
15. The Soft Rock and Reggae Music Lover
Researchers discovered that Soft Rock and Reggae boosted the heart rate variability and relaxed behaviors of 38 kennelled dogs in this study. Both of these findings indicate that these music genres have good benefits on dogs. This style of music will naturally soothe your dog by slowing down the major processes in his body. Furthermore, music composed expressly for dogs has a significant favorable impact on anxiety-related behaviors. Moreover, slower tempos which are from 50 to 60 bpm with simpler arrangements are also perfect when seeking for music to relax and calm your dog.