Today we are going to discuss some fun facts about teeth for kids! Teeth are definitely an integral part of our body. So, it is necessary for kids to learn about it immediately. Even though teeth are extremely strong, you need to take care of them properly. By learning more about teeth, we will be able to protect them more effectively! After all, without teeth, you won’t get to eat all your favorite food.
There are so many fascinating fun facts about teeth that kids need to know. Before we start getting to know our teeth better, have you brushed your teeth today? If you haven’t, make sure to brush it well after this.
Table of Contents
- 1. First Set of Teeth
- 2. Adult Teeth
- 3. Types of Teeth
- 4. The Strongest Part Of Your Body
- 5. Are Teeths Similar To Bones?
- 6. Natural Protector
- 7. Home To Bacteria
- 8. 4 Minutes of Fun
- 9. Your Teeth’s Biggest Enemy
- 10. Best Teeth In The World
- 11. Worst Teeth In The World
- 12. Special Teeth
- 13. People With Most Teeth
- 14. Most Unique Teeth
- 15. Unique To Each Person
1. First Set of Teeth

The milk teeth are the first set of teeth that we got as babies. This set of milk teeth started to develop even before you were born. These teeth will start showing up between the age of 6 to 12 months. By the age of three years old, you can expect to have 20 milk teeth! You need to take good care of your teeth by keeping them healthy and clean.

When your teeth are clean and healthy, you will have no problem eating delicious food. . It is one of the most mind-blowing fun facts that by the age of 5 or 6 years old, kids can expect to have some of their milk teeth fall out. Don’t worry! They will be replaced by adult teeth. When it’s time for you to get adult teeth, your adult teeth will not have any problem growing if you have been taking good care of your milk teeth.
2. Adult Teeth

When you reach the age of around 12 to 14, you can expect to have all your milk teeth fall out and your adult teeth will start to grow. There are 32 adult teeth in total. This number includes the wisdom teeth which grow at the back.

Wisdom teeth usually grow much later when you are between the ages of 17 to 21. However, not all facts are always fun for kids because not everyone will have their wisdom teeth fully grown. Some others will need to have their wisdom teeth removed.
3. Types of Teeth

There are four types of teeth: incisors, canine, premolar, and molar. The incisors are the four teeth at the top and four teeth at the bottom at the front. They are useful to cut food into chucks. Next to the incisors are two canines each at the top and bottom. The canines are responsible for tearing the chewy food like meat. Then, next in line will be the four premolars each at both the top and bottom part.

Premolars are wider and bigger with a flat surface which is perfect for grinding and crushing food chunks. Molars are the next four teeth at both the top and bottom. The molars are the strongest and the ones that we rely on to fully grind our food so it will be safe for us to swallow.
4. The Strongest Part Of Your Body

Do you know what part of the human body is the strongest? Do you think our bones are the hardest? Well, the answer is that our teeth are the strongest part of our body. The tooth enamel, the white shiny part that covers our teeth, contains 96% mineral.

No other parts of the human body have this much mineral, thus our teeth are the strongest and most damage-resistant. However, how strong is this actually? Our teeth are as strong as metal steel. Also, our teeth are just as strong as shark’s teeth.
5. Are Teeths Similar To Bones?

The next question would be: are teeth the same as bones? They are both white and strong, so aren’t they the same? Well, the answer is no. Kids, it is one of the most surprising fun facts that teeth are not bones. Even though bones and teeth share some similarities, they are basically two different things. Bones are living tissues made of collagen and mineral calcium which makes them strong yet flexible.

Since they are living tissues, bones can remodel and regenerate throughout time. When your bone breaks, your bone cells will rush over to regenerate new tissues. On the other hand, your teeth are not living tissues. Even though it is made of the strongest tissue in the human body, it does not have the ability to heal itself back. This is why it is super important to keep your teeth clean and healthy.
6. Natural Protector

Now, you might wonder how to keep your teeth clean and healthy. Other than washing our teeth diligently and thoroughly, our body has produced its own protection. We produce about 1.5L a day of saliva. This saliva contains antimicrobial agents that will fight the bad bacteria in our mouths.

It will also help clean food leftovers in our teeth that may cause cavities. Saliva is actually 99% water, thus you need to drink enough water every day to help the production of saliva. Saliva is naturally made to help you keep your teeth clean and healthy.
7. Home To Bacteria

The next question would be how many bacteria are there in our mouth? Are they good or bad bacteria for our teeth? There are about 6 billion bacteria living in our mouths which includes 700 different species. It is about the same amount as the total number of people in the whole world. Apparently, if you have not brushed your teeth, there are more bacteria in your mouth compared to the total number of people in the world. Some of these bacteria are good for you while others are bad.

The bad ones could cause cavities in your teeth. So, you need to brush your teeth regularly and thoroughly for a good two minutes at least. Also, you need to drink enough water, especially after meals to cleanse your mouth. Lastly, eat your fruits and vegetables. High fiber food like these two will keep your gum healthy and your saliva production enough to protect your teeth.
8. 4 Minutes of Fun

We have discussed how important it is to brush your teeth. Now, the question is how do we actually do this? It is important for you to brush every corner thoroughly. You can start with choosing the toothpaste flavor that you like and also your favorite toothbrush. Then, spend at least 2 minutes each time you brush your teeth and brush your teeth two times a day.

Every time you brush your teeth, make sure you brush all surfaces of your teeth and in between each tooth. You can consider the time you brush your teeth as your four minutes of fun every day. Don’t forget to brush your tongue to get rid of all the bacteria. So, let’s start our four-minute of fun today.
9. Your Teeth’s Biggest Enemy

While the teeth are used to chew and grind all kinds of food, there are some foods that are useful for your teeth and some that are harmful to your teeth. Sugar is your teeth’s biggest enemy. Sugar is the favorite food of the bacteria inside your mouth. So, every time you eat some sugar, the bacteria inside your mouth is jumping for joy.

If you eat sugary foods like hard candy alone, it will take a longer time for the sugar to dissolve which will increase the chance of getting cavities. It will be better if you take sugary or starchy food with a meal. After each meal, it is better to brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth with water. Lastly, don’t forget to brush your teeth after eating sugary foods at night or just don’t eat them at all at night.
10. Best Teeth In The World

The people of Denmark have the best teeth in the whole wide world. According to the Decay Missing-Filled Teeth Index which measures the number of people with tooth decay or a previous experience. Denmark has the lowest score at 0.4.

This means that out of all people who joined this survey in Denmark, they have less than half of their teeth that need some attention. If you also consider accessibility to dental facilities and other negative factors toward dental health such as alcohol and sugar consumption and smoking, Italy will be the winner.
11. Worst Teeth In The World

At the other end of the list, the Philippines are considered as the country with the worst teeth. 90% of the people in the Philippines are dealing with tooth decay. Between children from age three to five, all of them have tooth cavities. This number is shocking and has been considered as a major health problem. The reason could be due to a lack of education regarding oral health and also the fact that dental health is expensive.
12. Special Teeth

Wisdom teeth are special kinds of teeth. Not every person has them. Also, some people who actually have them need to get them removed. Some people have wisdom teeth that stay below the gum. Wisdom teeth are actually used to churn and grind roots, meat, nuts, and leaves.

However, people nowadays cook their food well to the point where the food is soft enough for us to cut it with utensils. Thus, human beings grow to not need wisdom teeth. It will not be a surprise that at one point in the future nobody will have wisdom teeth. Oftentimes, the presence of wisdom teeth could cause problems. Therefore, many people get them removed especially if their dentist suggested them to do so.
13. People With Most Teeth

A 7-year-old boy in India was found to have 526 teeth. He was admitted to the hospital after suffering from pain and jaw swelling near his molars. The doctor later finds that there is a sac that contains 526 teeth ranging from 0.1 mm to 55 mm. It took two doctors four to five hours to remove all of them. It is a rare situation that might be caused by radiation or genetics.
Now, the boy has 21 healthy teeth left. The boy had been suffering due to this condition since he was three years old. However, due to lack of knowledge and access to dental healthcare, he just got his treatment four years later when he was seven years old.
14. Most Unique Teeth

Another man from India, Vijay Kumar, got himself the title and the Guinness book record as “the guy with the most teeth”. He has 37 teeth in total which is five more extra teeth compared to every other person in the world. Kumar said that having some extra teeth actually comes with a disadvantage: he often bits his own tongue due to it. Despite that, he is still very proud to make it to the Guinness world record.
15. Unique To Each Person

Lastly, just like our fingerprints, our teeth are unique to only us. Nobody in this world has the same exact teeth like us. The shape, size, and spaces between each tooth differ from one person to another. This is why the police could make use of this data to catch some bad guys out there.

Your teeth could be used to identify you. Recent studies have taken this phenomenon to further deepen its use, especially for forensic purposes. You can simply say that they are studying deeply the ways how to use our teeth structure as one of the most effective identification methods.
After knowing all about teeth, it is important to take good care of your teeth. Make sure to brush your teeth daily and go for your dentist appointment regularly.