Off-Grid Communication Service Device

The Off-Grid Communication Service Device allows you to text or send out your GPS location on your smartphone without Wi-Fi or mobile service.

In our modern world, we can’t live without being connected. Everybody has a smartphone because they allow us to do hundreds of different things wherever we are.

Well, until we are connected to the network that is. With it, even the best smartphones are rather useless.

Lack of connectivity can happen anywhere, not only in remote locations. It can be caused by large crowds, bad weather or simply power outages. 

Off-Grid Communication Service Device

But there is a simple way to stay connected all the time and its name is Gotenna. This portable off-grid communication device connects to your smartphone and keeps it going without any network or wi-fi.

You can send private, encrypted messages with delivery confirmation from anywhere in the world without any connectivity or extra costs.

Off-Grid Communication Service Device

It also works as a GPS hub so you can always locate yourself, look at the map or just find the point of interest you were searching for.

This small awesome gadget, which is very easy to mount onto a backpack, bag or even clothes can give you some independence from the network and bring reliability to your connections. 

Off-Grid Communication Service Device

This off-grid device can come in handy in many situations like festivals, busy streets, storms, camping, traveling abroad or blackouts. No matter what happens you will always stay in contact, find your way and just be connected.

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