As an expectant mother will know, the safety and wellbeing of your unborn child is your top concern throughout your pregnancy.
We eat healthily, make sure to exercise and do all we can to ensure we’re doing the best for our little ones.
However, we, of course, still worry about their safety in certain situations such as driving, or even just being in the passenger’s seat of a car whilst pregnant.
Well, thanks to the ZUWIT Bump Belt, you can now travel in any vehicle happily knowing that not only that your baby will be protected in the unlikely event of a collision, but you’ll also be a lot more comfortable when traveling!
This easy to install pregnancy car seat belt takes all the pressure off of your growing belly and directs it towards your thighs instead.
You’ll be a million times more relaxed without a rigid belt strapped across your stomach and be safe in the knowledge it’s not cutting into you.
This pregnancy car seat belt is also great for any ladies who are post-C-Section or anybody that has recently had surgery around the stomach area.