Death Star Slam Ball

Revolutionize your workout sessions and destroy planets with this innovative slam ball. Drawing inspiration from the Galactic Empire Death Star, the ball is full of aesthetic as well as functional appeal.

It is a 20-pound medicine ball that offers all of the functionality of similar products.  You can slam it against the wall, or on the wall, or carry it as a weight for work out purposes.

The design has a focus on durability, so as to make the ball equal to any challenge. A dense polyurethane rubber makes this possible and equips it to handle all the abuse you dole out in the name of workout. 

Death Star Slam Ball

Death Star detailing is among the most prominent features of the design. Multiple trenches and ridges on its surface make it a close replica of Galactic Empire’s space battle station. Besides the great looks, the ridges also offer extra grip on the ball during workouts.

Death Star Slam Ball

If you happen to be both a Star Wars and workout enthusiast, then the Death Star slam ball is a must-have!

Death Star Slam Ball

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