Snoring is a common disorder that can affect anyone. It’s defined as breathing through the mouth and nose at the same time, which creates a vibration of the soft tissues in the back of the throat that causes a sound similar to snoring. Snoring may be mild to severe and should not be ignored. Snoring can be loud and annoying. In fact, snoring can be a sleep disturbance, especially if it happens every night. Moreover, snoring may cause sleep disruption, which in turn leads to daytime sleepiness and impaired functioning. A snoring person’s sleeping partner has the most common complaint about snoring.
If you are one of those snorers or even the snorer’s sleeping partner, this article will help you gain more insights and increase your awareness about this phenomenon. From the science behind snoring and the impact to physical and mental health, to the main factors that cause you to snore, we will reveal those interesting facts just for you. Let’s get started!
Table of Contents
- 1. Temporary And Permanent Snoring Indicate Health Issues
- 2. 90 Million Of Americans Snore
- 3. Partner Of Snorer Loses More Than 1 Hour Sleep At Night
- 4. Alcohol Cause Your Snoring Worse
- 5. 96% Snorer Have Mild To Severe Sleep Apnea
- 6. Overweight Influence Snoring
- 7. Most Snorers Have A Heart Risk
- 8. The Loudest Snoring Even Recorded
- 9. Fixing Jaw Position Can Help To Stop Snoring
- 10. You Can’t Hear Yourself Snoring
- 11. Snoring Cause Conflict For Couples
- 12. Dairy Products Cause Snoring
- 13. Salt Water Can Help Open Nose Passages
- 14. Snoring Sound Happen When You Breathe In
- 15. Side Sleeping Position May Help To Stop Snoring
1. Temporary And Permanent Snoring Indicate Health Issues

Did you know that healthy sleep needs to be quiet? Therefore, both temporary and permanent snoring indicate health issues. Snoring can be caused by many factors. Temporary snores can be caused by the blocked nose. When you have a cold that is clogging your airways, most of you will wheeze, whistle, or snore. This type of snoring, on the other hand, is usually only transient and goes away after the illness is gone.

Furthermore, snoring is a more long-term issue for many people. Permanent snoring is mostly very loud and often. It can be a sign of sleep apnea, which is a serious disorder that raises the risk for diabetes, obesity, hypertension, stroke, and even heart attack.
2. 90 Million Of Americans Snore

Despite the fact that not everyone is aware of their snoring, 40% of men and 24% of women admit to being snorers according to Sleep Education. This indicates that around 90 million people in the United States are affected. Although many women snore, guys snore more frequently. After the age of 70, men are less prone to snore.

Furthermore, snoring can begin at any age, although it usually gets worse as you get older. Weight gain, the structure of your mouth and sinuses, sleep posture, and even alcohol usage are all factors.
3. Partner Of Snorer Loses More Than 1 Hour Sleep At Night

Did you know that snoring will also have an unpleasant impact on the snorer’s partner? According to research that is published by Mayo Clinic Proceedings, a snorer’s partner loses more than 1 hour of sleep per night. Moreover, it can impact focus, mental stability, and sex drive, in addition to sleep.

Even when the spouses had been habitually exposed to snoring, the eradication of snoring was related with an improvement in the quality of their bed mates’ sleep. A 13 percent improvement in sleep efficiency equates to an additional 62 minutes of sleep every night for the wives of snorers, assuming 480 minutes spent in bed for sleep.
4. Alcohol Cause Your Snoring Worse

If you are a snorer, then you should consider your alcohol consumption. Alcohol is a depressant, and its sedative impact relaxes your entire body and mind, including your breathing muscles. This causes a blockage in the airway, resulting in respiratory resistance.

The air goes through the restricted airways by forcing it through when you breathe throughout the night while sleeping. The snoring sound is then produced as a result of the forcing. The sound you’re hearing is your airways trying to push oxygen through.
5. 96% Snorer Have Mild To Severe Sleep Apnea

According to a study that is published by Cranio Journal, 96% of people with long term snoring have mild to severe sleep apnea. The study’s main subject is 273 participants with diverse sleep and snoring issues. All 273 people needed a polysomnography test to assess their sleep issues.

When people with this sleep condition fall asleep, they temporarily cease breathing for 10 seconds on each exhale. Daytime tiredness, sleeplessness, headaches, and mood swings can all be signs of this form of sleep apnea. Long-term complications may potentially emerge as a result of this condition.
6. Overweight Influence Snoring

In fact, the majority of snorers are overweight. If your neck is longer than 16 inches, this could be the cause of your snoring. Neck fat compresses the upper airway, especially when lying down, increasing the likelihood of snoring.

It’s not just about neck fat when you’re overweight and snoring. Snoring and sleep apnea are exacerbated by central obesity, which occurs when fat accumulates around the belly and chest. These obstruct airflow, causing the throat to vibrate at night.
7. Most Snorers Have A Heart Risk

Snoring is caused by the tongue not having enough room in the back of the throat, which is more common in obese persons and people with heart disease. Breathing is triggered by chemicals in the brain, and these chemicals can malfunction in snorers. As a result, oxygen levels plummet, prompting cortisone, adrenaline, and other hormones to skyrocket.

These hormones contribute to excessive blood pressure and heart abnormalities, which can lead to or exacerbate heart failure, heart attacks, and even death. Even if they don’t snore, persons with obstructive sleep apnea have low oxygen levels in their bodies, which can harm the heart.
8. The Loudest Snoring Even Recorded

Kre Walkert, who growled and snored his way into the Guinness World Records in 1993, holds the official world record for the loudest snore. His snore was measured at 93 decibels, which is comparable to a lawn mower. He took this record at the Örebro Regional Hospital, Sweden, while suffering sleep apnea.

Moreover, snoring is also caused by variances in lung capacity and throat shape. Snorers had a smaller pharynx in general.The average sound level is 50-100dB, which is comparable to the sound produced by a pneumatic drill.
9. Fixing Jaw Position Can Help To Stop Snoring

Beside the negative impact caused by snoring, it actually can be stopped by fixing your jaw position. Oral appliances are custom-fit dental mouthpieces that help move your jaw, tongue, and soft palate forward to keep your airway open. Or, you can try continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment. This method entails sleeping with a mask covering your nose or mouth. To keep your airway open while sleeping, the mask delivers pressured air from a small bedside pump to it.

In addition, you can have upper airway surgery in case you have severe snoring problems. It’s entirely up to you to stop snoring. Detect snoring, visit a doctor, and begin therapy, and your sleep will improve and become more peaceful.
10. You Can’t Hear Yourself Snoring

A snorer can be partially awakened by particularly loud snores, and they will usually return to sleep almost immediately. However, there is a low probability to be aware where the sounds come from. According to Brainwave research, even non-snorers experience 20 to 25 of these micro arousals per hour that they are unaware of in the morning.

While your ears continue to receive sounds while you sleep, your brain filters out low-priority sounds. For example, you’re more likely to wake up if you hear your own name rather than a random word.
11. Snoring Cause Conflict For Couples

It might be difficult to sleep next to someone who snores excessively, especially if you are a light sleeper. The effect of snoring on relationships has been a running joke, yet there is some truth to it. Snoring is the third most common reason of divorce in the United States, behind infidelity and financial difficulties, according to Cure My Sleep Apnea.

When snoring is ignored, couples wind up sleeping in different rooms, a practice dubbed “sleep divorce” by the New York Times. According to a Better Sleep Council poll, one out of every four couples slept separately to get a decent night’s sleep. Furthermore, 46 percent of 2,000 people interviewed by OnePoll on behalf of Slumber Cloud in 2018 reported a desire to sleep separately from their partners.
12. Dairy Products Cause Snoring

Dairy is the most common dietary cause of snoring. Consumption of dairy products leads the body to generate mucus, which contributes to snoring. Mucus buildup in the sinuses can restrict and clog them, or it might trickle down into the back of the throat, irritating the throat.

Allergens are another issue from dairy products. Any food-based allergy is likely to induce irritation and mucus buildup that can linger for several hours, even overnight. It’s critical to be aware of your own allergy triggers and to try to avoid them from your diet as much as possible.
13. Salt Water Can Help Open Nose Passages

Because of the fast-moving air, a clogged nose caused by a cold or any other blockage can produce temporary snoring. Before going to bed, take a hot bath to open your nasal passages. Rinse with a saline solution. Salt can be utilized as a potential snoring treatment in the same way that it can be used to relieve a sore throat.

A nasal rinse is not the most direct way to treat snoring, but it can reduce or eliminate nasal congestion behind many snoring cases. Opening up channels can be helped by rinsing the nose with salt water. Moreover gargling with salt water helps to loosen and reduce mucus, which is full of bacteria and allergies.
14. Snoring Sound Happen When You Breathe In

When you breathe, the air movement causes the tissues in the back of your throat to vibrate, causing you to snore. The sound usually occurs when you inhale and can come from your nose, mouth, or a combination of both. It can happen at any time during the night. Approximately half of the population snores at some point in their lives.

Moreover, the restricted airway causes turbulent or irregular airflow, which causes the sound. This can cause surrounding tissues to collapse, or it can be a single fixed point of narrowing.
15. Side Sleeping Position May Help To Stop Snoring

When you sleep on your back, you’re more likely to snore or have sleep apnea. The best sleep position to stop snoring is on your side. This is due to the fact that sleeping on your side lowers the constriction of your airways. Patients with sleep apnea who switched from a back to a side sleeping posture were able to breathe better throughout the night, according to a study from Snorelab.

It can be difficult to modify your sleeping posture because it is an ingrained habit. However, there are some ways that can make a significant difference. For example, some pillows, with ergonomically built ridges or arm holes to keep you from turning in your sleep, make it impossible to sleep on your back.