Modular Lighting System

This Modular Lighting System can be built from as many hexagonal pods as you want and the light can be turned on and off by simply touching the pods.

You can arrange them in any pattern thanks to magnets that are built into every pod.

Ultimately you can create a full wall of light, that is responsive to your touch and tailor the number of turned on lights to your needs.

If you have your creative juices flowing you can imagine this light installation as a canvas and your hand as a brush. Now you can paint or write with light.  

With this Modular Lighting System you can turn any wall into a light source instead of buying different types of lamps for different tasks.

Modular Lighting System

Modular Lighting System

This is an incredible piece of interior design and will give any unique lamp a run for its money.  

Modular Lighting System

Modular Lighting System

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