Moonstone Tree Of Life Necklace

Nature has so much to offer as creative design inspiration. The moonstone tree of life necklace showcases every creative aspect in the book.

The captivating pendant uses the simplest of materials. Ordinary copper wires twist into curly roots, woven branches and a solid tree stem.

Moonstone is a most fitting gemstone for the ensemble. It has a relaxing color offering natural appeal. It is a stone of relief and tranquillity. 

Moonstone Tree Of Life Necklace

It absorbs different positive energies to enhance one’s personality. It also brings out the best in its wearer in all situations. Its shimmering white surface adds aesthetic value to complete its significance.

Moonstone Tree Of Life Necklace

The tree of life provides an interesting point of appeal. It marks the root of human existence. It rouses symbolism and sparks instant interest from any observer.

The copper wire design executed on both sides holds the moonstone in place. It is a breathtaking, artistic and meaningful masterpiece, the perfect gift choice to wow a friend or better half. 

Moonstone Tree Of Life Necklace

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