Sticky Washable Gel Pads

These Sticky Washable Gel Pads let you stick anything to any surface. Well, not exactly anything, the gel pads have the capacity of 2 kg, but still, you’d be surprised how many things you want to stick to something when you have the possibility.

The gel pads can be used as an alternative to countless phone and tablet holders. It can also be used to hang pictures or other decorations on the walls without the need of drilling holes in them.

Or just use them for organizing your stuff, like keys, jewelry and all other things that you need to have in one place.

Despite their names, the gel pads don’t actually leave any sticky residue and are as good at sticking to surfaces as they are at being taken off them.

Sticky Washable Gel Pads
Sticky Washable Gel Pads
Sticky Washable Gel Pads

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