This Ultra Futuristic Lo Res Car has a Bizarre Polygonal Shape Design

What would happen if you take the original Lamborghini Countach’s design, decrease its resolution, then build it?

This seemingly crazy idea is the base of the mind-bending Lo Res Car. As a result, you get a fully functional vehicle that looks like a futuristic moving polygon!

The unbelievable car was designed by the genius minds of the United Nude and Rem D. Koolhaas. The team takes inspiration from Marcello Gandini’s Countach to create something experimental that will catch the attention of the world.

The result of this collaboration is exceeding everyone’s imagination. The Lo Res Car project uses unique styling principles to imitate the high-class Countach but in its purest shape, in this case, a polygonal form. The designers intentionally aimed to create this vehicle to have an unusual look. 

The Lo Res Car became possible as the team used an angular steel frame combined with a smoked polycarbonate body. The all-black polygon-shaped vehicle would look like something out of a science fiction movie.

Ultra Futuristic Lo Res Car

Not just the outer appearances, the way you operate Lo Res Car is also different. This radical transportation unit does not feature a traditional door! To enter this vehicle, you will be required to lift the entire body from the front side. You can simply close and open this car frame like a hatch due to the specialized hinges and the lightweight materials.

On top of that, the Lo Res Car features a tandem cockpit. It means that two people can fit inside this unit even though it looks so cramped from the outside.

The car also comes with a peculiar steering wheel and seats. Furthermore, the frame covers the entire tire. When you drive this vehicle, from the onlookers’ perspective, the car would move as if it’s floating.

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Ultra Futuristic Lo Res Car

When you are inside, Lo Res Car is surprisingly spacious. You can also look around in 360-degree visibility because of the tinted windows that blend with the black frame. 

More importantly, the Lo Res Car is highly safe for the environment. To move the eco-friendly vehicle, the inventors put an electric drivetrain as its engine.

This cutting-edge mobility unit does not emit carbon that causes climate change. As we move forward to the future, transportations methods are slowly but surely leaving behind dirty fossil fuels.

Ultra Futuristic Lo Res Car

This ultra-modern vehicle is being exclusively auctioned by the Petersen Automotive Museum and Drive2H initiative of Energy Independence Now. The auction of the Lo Res Car is part of the two entities’ efforts to educate the world about the importance of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles. 

Even though it is not meant to be mass-produced, the Lo Res Car shows that electric cars can have versatile designs and be sporty too. You do not need to pollute the earth to look trendy!

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