This Toilet Mug is a big coffee mug that can also be used as a bowl and it’s shaped as a toilet, no mystery there. But hey, this can be a great gag gift for anyone you really love but truly despise their eating or drinking taste.
You can also buy this funny mug for yourself even just to be able to see the reaction of your friends or coworkers when they witness you hungrily drinking from a toilet bowl.
This toilet mug can also serve as a great gift for a dog owner who wants to understand what is so enchanting about the toilet that their dog constantly wants to drink from it. If you can’t beat them, join them.
You can go the more subtle way and give this mug to someone you consider a big bad potty-mouth. The pun will be made and the potty-mouth will have something to occupy their mouth with.
The mug can contain 12 ounces of the beverage of your choosing, but can be also used for many other purposes that normal toilets are not suited for.