Upright Go Posture Correction Device

The Upright Go Posture Correction Device vibrates every time you slouch therefore helping you better your posture over time.

Just out of curiosity, stop slouching and straighten your back for a second. Not that easy, huh? It’d be even harder keeping your bag straight throughout the day.

At some point, your shoulders would lower once again and your back will resemble a question mark once again. If only there was something that would nudge you every time..oh, wait. There’s Upright Go now for that. 

Upright Go Posture Correction Device

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This posture correction device can be easily attached to your back with a durable reusable sticker. It has two modes of work. The first one does what we have already told you about – it vibrates every time you start slouching.

Upright Go Posture Correction Device

It’s so relentless that it will vibrate whether you sit, walk or drive. The second mode works less like a back boot camp since it doesn’t vibrate.

Upright Go Posture Correction Device

It just tracks your posture through an app creating a graph of your non-slouching progress.

Apparently, after two weeks of training with this posture correction device you’ll notice that the state of your back will become much better. 

Upright Go Posture Correction Device

This posture correction device can benefit anyone who wants to have a beautiful straight back and not look like Smeagol from Lord of the Rings (yes, the “my precious” one). Good posture not only looks good but also helps relieve back pain, so even more reasons to give Upright Go a…well, go.

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