Wallet-Sized Phone Mount

The Wallet-Sized Phone Mount is a simple yet ingenious phone gadget, that you can turn into a tripod for your phone and take anywhere with you in your wallet.

You probably know the pain of trying to take a perfect photo at the impossible angle.

Which leaves you bending over until you lose your balance or try to balance your phone on any available surface until it falls over and ruins everything.

This phone mount is as thin as a credit card and will effortlessly fit into your wallet or purse. But when you unfold it, it turns into a tripod that has much more to offer than a simple phone holder. 

Wallet-Sized Phone Mount

It is designed to be universal, so just find the right model for your phone. Whether your phone is in a phone case or not is also taken into account.

Wallet-Sized Phone Mount

Use it for taking photos, recording videos or watching something while you’re engaged in other activities. The possibilities are as universal as the phone mount itself. 

Wallet-Sized Phone Mount

Wallet-Sized Phone Mount

Wallet-Sized Phone Mount

Wallet-Sized Phone Mount

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