The 550 Paracord Armitron Survival Watch is one of the toughest watches money can buy. Plus it can save your life in an emergency situation.
If you are a sort of person who would rather spend their free time in the wilderness, than an all-inclusive hotel by the beach, then you probably are in demand for some cool survival equipment.
Those are not necessarily the prettiest gadgets. They are tough, useful and can help you in various situations. Now, this awesome survival watch fits all these requirements.
Let’s look at the bracelet. It is made out of paracord, which is much tougher and durable than any traditional Paracord bracelet. It is custom made to fit your hand perfectly.

The paracord has a military weight grade of 550 lbs and is water resistant. In case of an emergency, you can unwind it to have a very tough and useful rope.
The watch itself is also water and shock resistant with a ring made out of stainless steel.

So to sum up, this watch is not really an accessory, which one might wear on the red carpet.
Its natural habitat is in the harshest conditions, where it will work perfectly all the time. That is definitely what you need on your trip into the wild.