Exodeck Off-Road Skateboard

The Exodeck Off-Road Skateboard allows you to tackle completely new terrains thanks to its unique design.

This off-road skateboard exchanges the good old wheels for something much more special. More specifically, the skateboard moves around on tank-like treads.

This means you can finally skate even on dirt, sand, and conquer 20º slopes. One of the earlier prototypes of the skateboard could even confidently cross a shallow but rocky stream. Nothing is more off-road than water. 

Exodeck Off-Road Skateboard

The skateboard allows you to develop the speed of up to 20 mph, which is more than enough when you have nothing to hold onto and are tackling the bumpy road.

Exodeck Off-Road Skateboard

It is fully electrical and you can control it with a remote control. Even if you have never dealt with skateboards before, the manufacturers assure that it will have several features to make the learning process easier for you.

Exodeck Off-Road Skateboard

The skateboard has been in the development since 1997. It has been finally perfected and is supposed to be available for purchase by Christmas 2017. Seems like the Exodeck Off-Road Skateboard will make its way onto your holiday wish-list. 

Exodeck Off-Road Skateboard

Exodeck Off-Road Skateboard

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