Start every day with a good dose of humor thanks to the hidden octopus mug. The last thing you would expect as you down your coffee is to see a set of tentacles reaching out.
He silently creeps along the bottom of your cup. And from the look on his face, you can tell, he is not up to any good! What has he been up to when you were not looking?
These funny mugs feature an almost lifelike octopus, or any other creature of choice at the bottom. Great attention to detail brings them to life.
Apart from being scary the first time, they would also become instant favorites for any lover of aquatic animals.

For anyone who loves practical joke, this is one mug that would never lose its touch! Enjoy watching the color drain from their faces with every sip as they watch the creature emerge.

Not even the most quick-witted victim would ever see this coming. Scare your guests out of their wits with this creative piece.