34 Funny Garden Gnomes for Unique Garden Scene

Having some funny garden gnomes are a great way to turn any ordinary outdoor space into something awesome in an instant! Garden gnomes are full of artistic creativity, which we believe can help you direct everyone’s attention to your well-manicured flower bed. Having funny garden gnomes will make your guests feel welcome and cheer them up, thanks to their naturally jovial demeanors.

However, if you harbor a love for all things quirky, then you can try to go for some spooky zombie gnomes and scare everyone in the neighborhood. Despite the spooky appearance, we have to say that they still look funny somehow. You could place some queer gnomes all around your space to keep out intruders with their vacant stares and bloody bodies.

Whether you are looking for a rude gnome to send a warning message or a creepy garden gnome to spice up your garden, we have you covered. On this list, we have the most outrageous and queer gnomes that will surely bring some colors to your garden. Plus, some funny zombie gnomes, too!

Let’s take a look at the ultimate collection of funny garden gnomes in the form of zombie gnomes to make your space extraordinary and create lots of visual interest.

BEST and Funniest Garden Gnomes

#1 Crawling Zombie Gnome

Crawling Zombie Gnome

Explore your creepy side with one of these weird zombie gnomes. Every aspect of this item will be sure to send shivers down your neighbors’ and guests’ spines alike.

From a blood-smeared face and stumps for legs, to the vacant expression in his eyes, this gnome spells terror. You might almost succumb to the temptation to make a run for it. Based on how it looks, we have to admit that the meticulous attention to detail and articulate craftsmanship make this an instant eye-catcher.

#2 Lepracadaver Gnome

The Leprecadaver -Green Irish Leprechaun Zombie Gnome

Scary garden gnomes rarely come any creepier than the Lepracadaver! It was inspired by the leprechaun but has a ghoulish aspect to it, which makes this garden gnome all the more memorable.

However, he has as much mischief up it’s sleeve as the best of them. Only that his thirst for blood and brains is virtually unquenchable. What a fun way to bring someone’s worst nightmare to life in your own backyard!

#3 Vinnie The Victim Garden Gnome 

Vinnie the Victim Garden Gnome

If you are looking for funny garden gnomes with a touch of creepiness, then your search ends right here!  Vinnie the victim seems to have walked a dangerous path and got his innards all torn out.

However, we need to remind you that he remains a victim only for a moment before he embarks on his new life of zombie villainy. Therefore, we think that you must be cautious as he might make you his first tasty buffet once the zombie-ness kicks in!

#4 See No Evil, Hear No Evil & Speak No Evil Gnomes Set 

See No Evil, Hear No Evil & Speak No Evil Gnomes Set

Add some fun and hilarity to your garden space with this set of funny garden gnomes. Better known as the “three wise gnomes” Steven, Henry, and Seth are definitelt the essence of mischief.

Characterized by cheerful demeanors and playful personalities, they will welcome your guests in style. And seeing as good cheer is contagious, we have no doubt that they will inject laughter and charm to your backyard space.

#5 Darth Vader Garden Gnome

Darth Vader Garden Gnome

Spread your love for the dark lord with the Darth Vader garden gnome. As one of those out-of-the-box funny garden gnomes, we need to praise the authentic detailing and a touch of creativity that characterize this masterful depiction.

The result is the perfect blend between the Sith lord and the garden gnome concept. He will not only drag your garden into the dark side, but will also direct attention to your flower bed, too. Moreover, we believe that this gnome would also make the perfect gift for a Star Wars fan.

#6 The Devil Girl Statue

The Devil Girl Statue

The title for the most creepy garden gnome goes to the devil girl, there’s no doubt about it. She is perfect for anyone who cannot get enough of all things macabre. One look at her will send the pesky neighbor’s kids scooting for safety.

Everything about her screams haunted, from the blank eerie eyes and slashed face to the green substance on her nightie. Though you might cower at her sight, you still want to come closer and check if she bites.

#7 Bloody Mary Zombie Gnome

Bloody Mary Zombie Gnome

Showcase your love for the living dead with this creepy matronly gnome. She is the mother of all zombie gnomes and might well be the creepiest of them all. Therefore, we think she deserves a spot in your garden.

Great attention to detail characterizes this miniature ghoul making her afterlife-like, ready to pounce on an unsuspecting guest. A little advice, set her on a vantage point and watch unwanted guests vanish into thin air. Well, not literally of course.

#8 Gottfried Giant Garden Gnome Statue

Gottfried Giant Garden Gnome Statue

When it comes to funny garden gnomes, Gottfried surely takes the day! He is without a doubt most notable for his gigantic stature that dwarfs all other gnomes, and possibly even your kids, too.

Therefore, we suggest that you bring the old legend of giant gnomes to life and spice up your outdoor or indoor space all in a single move. Also, you could also offer it as a gift to a gnome collector who seems to have every other gnomes.

#9 Necro Neckbeard Creepy Gnome

Necro Neckbeard Creepy Gnome

Make your garden landscape outstanding with one of these unusual garden gnomes. To call him unique would be a gross understatement.

Necro Neckbeard bears minimal traits of the gentle gnome he once was. His blood-stained face, beard, hands and clothes definitely tell it all, he is now nothing less than a savage beast. We can assure you that anyone who would dare cross his path deserves what they get!

#10 The Christmas Thief Funny Garden Statue

The Christmas Thief Funny Garden Statue

The Christmas thief has got to be one of the funniest gnomes on our list. Though the expression on his face and the crossed hands plead innocence, the eyes spell nothing but mischief.

One cannot help but want to check what he’s got in his bag. We have no doubt that having him on your lawn would be sure to spread lots of laughter and good cheer during the holiday season and beyond. Get this gnome now before it runs out!

#11 Eatmore Guts Zombie Garden Gnome

Eatmore Guts Zombie Garden Gnome

No one is sure why the undead have such voracious appetites. But unfortunately, no one has the guts to stay around an ask them.

Thanks to Eatmore Guts, anyone who dares approach loses their guts faster than they can say creepy garden gnome. And you wonder where it all goes as he remains tiny as always, yet no less ravenous. So, will you be the one to approach this ghoulish fiend?

#12 Moonie Bare Buttocks Gnome

Moonie Bare Buttocks Gnome

Take your passion for inappropriate garden gnomes to the next level with Moonie! Yes, you heard right, this little gnome decided to moon right in the middle of a bright sunny day, on your lovely flower bed!

Fortunately, you will not be the only one staring in astonishment. As you can see, he also has a blue bird perched on his behind, taking a closer look at the bare bottoms. Well, well.. What a way to add playfulness and good cheer to your garden!

#13 Storm Trooper Garden Gnome

Storm Trooper Garden Gnome

Complete your collection of Star Wars garden gnomes with one of these funny garden gnomes. We have to say that the gnome version of a Storm Trooper is a truly authentic depiction of the real thing. It will make a great pair to the Darth Vader gnome, too!

But the one difference between the two, is that the tinier version is so much more fun. Probably, this is the enhancement they need to awaken the force and prevail against the aliens that threaten their galactic empire. What do you think?

#14 Willie Walker Zombie Gnome 

Willie Walker Zombie Gnome

Create a unique garden appeal with Willie Walker as the centerpiece. No matter how many times you and your friends see him, your hearts cannot help skipping a beat at his sight.

You wonder how many unsuspecting victims he has already devoured and how many are yet to fall into his claws. With him in your backyard, We can assure you that you will not need a fierce dog to keep off intruders.

#15 Crystal Lake Slasher Horror Movie Gnome

Crystal Lake Slasher Horror Movie Gnome

Recreate one of the most enduring horror movies of all time with this scary garden gnome. He comes complete with the slasher’s mask and tool of trade, ready to rip some heads off.

One look into the deep, dark abyss of his evil eyes, and your soul is sold. Do not look down on him due to his miniature stature. Without a doubt, he is all you need to turn your garden into a crime scene.

#16 Fishing Gnome

Fishing Gnome

Turn your backyard pond into a tranquil oasis with this cheerful fishing gnome, which we think would be the perfect fishing gift idea for a fishermen friend. It might be the infectious elf smile on his face or his characteristic burly beard that makes him irresistible.

Or maybe it’s the amusing pointy hat, the bulbous nose or cheery dimples. Whatever it is, something about him spells unending fun and laughter. Oh! It must be the fish with the matching pointy hat and beard, isn’t it?

#17 Batman Superhero Gnome

Batman Superhero Gnome

Get in on the action with the Batman superhero gnome rendition. Being the superhero who protect your garden, he is ready to swoop in and rescue anyone in distress in spite of his short stature.

The smile on his face says it all, this is one cheerful gnome to grace your space. In our opinion, you can be sure that he will spread similar good cheer among your family and friends, all year around.

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#18 Peter Rotten Tail the Easter Zombunny 

Peter Rotten Tail The Easter Zombunny

If you thought adorable bunnies could never become spooky, well, you might want to think again! Take this one for instance, who would have thought that Peter rabbit can look this spooky? The rotten tail is both funny and creepy, the perfect blend for your outdoor space.

Ribs and bones poke through the skin in some places while his cuddly paws and lips have streaks of blood. He is as scary from behind as he is in front, making it the ideal centerpiece for a macabre art lover.

#19 The Joker Garden Gnome

The Joker Garden Gnome

Your funny garden gnome collection is incomplete until you have the joker on it! In spite of the fact that he is always smiling, you can tell that this gnome is up to no good.

He however plays his cards pretty close to his chest. Meaning that you will probably only know his latest trick after he’s gone and done it! But with that charming smile and adorable eyes, we can almost be certain that he will get away with it. Again!

#20 Reading Phone On The Throne Garden Gnome

Reading Phone on the Throne Garden Gnome

Cody is the ultimate choice when it comes to funny garden gnomes. The one thing you would not expect is for him to have a smart phone.

However, we think that has has more than just a smart phone, because he also has the nerve to read on the loo! Though he doesn’t seem to find it funny, your guests and neighbors definitely will. He will in fact make your yard the most intriguing one on the block.

#21 Bloody Mary Zombie Gnome

Bloody Mary Walking Dead Zombie Gnome

Next up we have the only thing better than a zombie gnome on your garden, and it comes as this Bloody Mary! It has what it takes to set the scene for the next zombie apocalypse. Moreover, Mary, on the other hand is so ready for action that she comes complete with an apron to manage the mess.

We believe that having this decor item will make your garden free of intruders.

#22 Karen Cooper ‘Night of The Living Dead’ Creepy Gnome

Karen Cooper 'Night of the Living Dead’ Creepy Garden Gnome

Add some mystery to your zombie brigade with one of these bizarre gnomes. She takes after her human prototype in Night of the Living Dead and makes a masterful depiction.

Her tiny bloody spade and tangled hair tell it all, leaving nothing to doubt about her exploits. So, whether you are looking to scare someone or feed your desire for the macabre, we definitely think that this is your best bet.

#23 Canada Zombie Gnome

Canada Zombie Gnome

When it is time to unleash the walking dead on your garden or backyard, we believe only few zombie gnomes can do it better than him. His demeanor inspires terror into the hearts of young and old alike.

Moreover, do not underestimate him simply because he has stumps in place of hands. What he lacks in dexterity, he more than makes up for in ravenous appetite. Before you know it, you too will be part of the undead.

#24 Zen Meditating Gnome

Zen Meditating Gnome

A whimsical gnome is all you need to turn an average garden into an instant attraction. Just by looking at it, we can see that his Zen posture oozes tranquility and creativity in equal measure.

Looking so relaxed, we think that even a bird has found refuge in his ample beard. Moreover, the colorful scheme and peaceful demeanor will do so much to cheer up your space. More importantly, he will remind everyone to take it easy.

#25 Zombie Santa Corpse and The Infected Elves Zombie Gnomes

Zombie Santa Corpse - Zombie Christmas Ornament / Decoration

Spice up the neighborhood in time for Christmas with the Zombie version of Santa. While it would be a scary thought to contemplate, the reality is even scarier! If you want to add a different kind of decoration to your garden this Christmas, then we believe without a doubt, this zombie Santa will make the perfect pick!

#26 The Springwood Terror Nightmare Horror Gnome

The Springwood Terror Nightmare Horror Gnome

Spread a tale of terror with the grotesque gnome from Elm Street. Every ounce of his being inspires fear, culminating in the blade-like fingers that he uses to execute his victims. Can you imagine having Freddie Krueger as a gnome in your garden?

Therefore, if you have been looking for a way to bide the time away till Halloween, then this one is it! Bring your worst nightmare to life and create an outstanding garden décor while at it.

#27 Women Biker Gnome

Women Biker Gnome

Having funny garden statues like the biker gnome is a great way to bring your outdoor space to life. As for this one, she is as cute and comes with curly blonde hair and gorgeous red lips.

What makes her even more adorable is that she’s holding out her left hand, showing the peace symbol to every approaching guest. Place her at a strategic point and make everyone feel welcome.

#28 The Texas Chainsaw Butcher Gnome

The Texas Chainsaw Butcher Gnome

Looking for the ultimate way to create visual interest in your backyard? Look no more because this gruesome butcher gnome is the answer you seek. Inspired by the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, he is the perfect replica of the Leatherface.

Moreover, we love the level of attention to details put into this gnome, and also the penchant for art are clearly evident in the execution, breathing life into the concept.

#29 Necro Neckbeard Zombie Gnome

Necro Neckbeard Zombie Gnome

Keep your garden space undead with Necro Necbeard the zombie gnome. As you while away your time waiting for the real zombie apocalypse, he will be sure to keep things vibrant.

With all the regular gnomes dashing for cover and human beings cowering in terror, you will not have a moment to spare. However, we need to remind you to always remember not to cross his path though, because he might turn you into one of his own kind.

#30 Bigfoot with Gnomes Statue

Bigfoot With Gnomes Statue

The looks on their faces say it all, it is going to be a jolly day. Bigfoot is out with his three gnome friends, looking for mischief to bide the hours away.

We believe that you cannot help smiling back at them though you know that this will not end well. But you cannot deny them the pleasure, not with those adorable eyes staring straight into yours! Therefore, in our opinion, this cute ensemble will be sure to melt every heart on its path.

#31 Zombie Christmas Elf

Zombie Gnome (Classic Colors)

Well, at least this is one zombie gnome who does not seem proud of what he’s done, compared to the rest. He knows it’s not right and wishes he could turn back time and undo the damage.

But it’s not really up to him! On the matches, into your garden to wreck more havoc and spread nightmare terror to guests and residents alike. No, he will not stop until he is satiated with blood and brains!

#32 Willy The Naughty Peeing Gnome

Bella Haus Design Peeing Gnome

This funny and cute statue of Willy The Gnome peeing on your garden is extraordinary. In our opinion, this one will catch the attention of your guests automatically. Not only the adult guests, we believe the kids will also chuckle the first time they see this gnome.

It is UV and water resistant, so it is safe when you water the garden. Also, it Is handmade with a height of 10.3”, not that heavy but not too light to carry, since it can stand steadily above the soil.

#33 Mischievous Cat Garden Gnome Statue

by Mark & Margot - Mischievous Cat Garden Gnome Statue Figurine

This might be a special gnome statue for the cat person. The cat catching all the gnomes will make everyone’s smile and cannot hold its cuteness. No more boring garden appearances. We have no doubt that it will steal everyone’s attention once they see your garden.

The material is durable resin material, so it can definitely stand all weathers. Plus, a handmade one makes this statue more special for you. If you are not a cat person but know the one who will definitely love it, then this is a great gift idea.

#34 Biker Couple Gnome

Biker Garden Gnomes Outdoor Funny Figurine Motorcycle Statues

This biker couple gnome is perfect for you whose husband is a biker. Not only cute, but it also sweet. Just look at the skull tattoo on the right arm of the male gnome! Without a doubt, you can definitely feel the crafter pays attention to detail to this one.

We are pretty sure it will make your garden look prettier and has a special character based on the people who live inside. In addition, it can also be a surprise as well for your husband once he sees it. So get this one and see his smile wider than usual. 

Final Thoughts

Our collection of funny garden gnomes has everything you could ever dream of and so much more to keep your friends entertained. You now have everything you need to make your space the most captivating one in the neighborhood. So get in on the action and spread some good cheer with these unique garden gnomes.

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are some common features of garden gnomes?

Common features of garden gnomes include distinctive hats, beards, and red cheeks. Some gnomes may be depicted holding tools, fishing, or playing a musical instrument. Many garden gnomes are also dressed in traditional clothing, such as lederhosen or a pointed hat.

What are some popular uses for garden gnomes?

Garden gnomes are commonly used as decorative items in gardens, patios, and lawns. Some people enjoy collecting different types of gnomes, while others may use them as unique accents in their landscaping or gardening design. Some people also enjoy incorporating gnomes into various holiday and special occasion displays.

What are some factors to consider when choosing a garden gnome?

When choosing a garden gnome, consider the size, material, and style of the figure. You may also want to consider the overall design and aesthetic of your garden or outdoor space, as well as the color scheme and themes you have already established. It may be helpful to think about what type of gnome would fit well with your existing garden decor and plants.

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