27 Best Winter Books For Elementary Students 

Winter is the perfect time to catch up on some reading or get oneself into a habit of reading. With the long break from school and cold weather outside, elementary students need to find some fun and useful indoor activities to do, such as reading. As you know, having the habit of reading books will help broaden their understanding about the world around them and also life in general. Reading books according to their age is also important to give them the suitable message for their age. 

Books with interesting illustrations and simple writing style will suit elementary students well. Having a habit of reading from a young age will benefit them in many ways. It will increase their knowledge and understanding while shaping them as a person they want to be. While there are thousands of books out there, choosing the perfect one for elementary students would require some research.

We have good news for you because we have done the research for you and summarized it into a list of best winter books for elementary students. You can choose from this list which book that you think will suit them the best. 

1. Soup Day by Melissa Iwai 

Soup Day by Melissa Iwai

The first on this list of best winter books for elementary students is the book “Soup Day” by Melissa Iwai. It is a great book to introduce children at ages 5 to 6 years old to numbers, shapes, and vegetables. The story also revolves around family relationships that happen around the kitchen. Soup, on the other hand, is comfort food during the cold winter days and this book will let elementary students know how to make them. 

2. Santa In The City by Tiffany D Jackson

Santa In The City by Tiffany D Jackson

The book tells a story about a little girl who worries whether Santa could reach her home or not because her house does not have a chimney. Expressing the basic worry of kids who live in a busy bustling city in small crowded apartments in a way that allows other kids of the same age to understand. A great winter book that ages 6 to 8 elementary students who live in the city could relate to. 

3. Santa Mouse Makes A Christmas Wish by Michael Brown

Santa Mouse Makes A Christmas Wish by Michael Brown

It is the story of a little mouse who started working as Santa’s  littlest helper. Being a little different from the other Santa’s elves, the story revolves around the little Santa mouse trying to find something that he is good at and be a good help to Santa. The book  has a really good message that will help elementary students as they grow to be adults finding their place in society. 

4. Snow Song by A. K. Riley and Dawn Lo

Snow Song by A. K. Riley and Dawn Lo

The “Snow Song” by A. K. Riley and Dawn Lo is a story about a young girl exploring the outdoors on a winter day. It is a very simple and straightforward story, but it comes in a sensory and rhythmic free verse which will expose elementary students to some rich literary elements. Furthermore, it allows ages 5 to 7 elementary students to experience walking in the snow with all their senses just by reading this book. 

5. Little Moar And The Moon by Roselyn Akulukjuk

Little Moar And The Moon by Roselyn Akulukjuk

It is a story about a young boy who enjoys playing outside with his friends, but is scared of the moon. He is determined to get home before the moon rises, but there are just too many exciting things to do outdoors. It is a great book to give elementary students at ages 8 to 12 an experience on how to face the fear of the unknown. As they are growing older to be young adults soon, it is a necessary skill for them to learn and be ready to face the world ahead of them.

6. Barn At Night by Michelle Houts

Barn At Night by Michelle Houts

A book choice in this list of best winter books for elementary students that is written in lyrical poetry suitable for younger children. Elementary students around the age 6 to 8 years old are at the age where they are curious about basically everything, thus this book will satisfy their curiosity about farm and farm living during winter. This book also has great glowing watercolor illustrations and a great book to enrich their vocabulary. 

7. Thunder And The Noise Storms by Jeffrey & Shezza Ansloos

Thunder And The Noise Storms by Jeffrey _ Shezza Ansloos

This book is a not so wintry story book for elementary students between ages 8 to 12 years old. However, the message of the story is really good and it is worth reading during winter break. The story teaches young children how to listen to the voices around them with wonder. A very important lesson for modern young children who live with constant noises around them with the presence of social media and all. 

8. Do Frogs Drink Hot Chocolate? How Animals Keep Warm by Etta Kaner

Do Frogs Drink Hot Chocolate

If you are looking for a book that will enrich their knowledge on certain topics, you can consider this story book by Etta Kaner. It is one option from this list of best winter books for elementary students that would let them know how different animals keep themselves warm during winter. The perfect book for kids ages 6 to 8 to learn more about animals. 

9. Sneezy The Snowman by Maureen Wright

Sneezy The Snowman by Maureen Wright

This book has a light story about the life of a snowman in winter. A playful story book with a unique mixed-media illustration. The story shows different ways the snowman tries to keep itself warm, but always ends up making itself melt. The perfect book to entertain elementary students between the ages 6 to 7 with its funny jokes about the life of a snowman. 

10. Biscuit’s Snow Day Race by Alyssa Satin Capucilli

Biscuit’s Snow Day Race by Alyssa Satin Capucilli

A cute story about a little puppy, Biscuit, who joins a sledding race in winter. This is another book on this list of best winter books for elementary students which has a rather light and playful story with a cute illustration that is interesting to elementary students. The perfect book for elementary students between ages 6-8 years old

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11. A Coyote Solstice Tale by Thomas King

A Coyote Solstice Tale by Thomas King

This book was the winner of the American Indian Youth Literature Award in 2010. It is a book about a coyote and his friends who were interrupted by a small girl while they were feasting. When they try to take the girl back to where she belongs, the coyote learns how human beings actually live. It takes on the theme of consumerism and consumption and the author of the book is able to explain these mouthful ideas in a way that 6 to 8 years old elementary students will understand. 

12. Ten Ways To Hear Snow by Cathy Camper

Ten Ways To Hear Snow by Cathy Camper

It is about a young girl who hears different sounds of snow as she is walking to her grandmother’s house. While snowy days are relatively quiet, she discovers ways to hear the snow. This book comes with beautiful illustrations that elementary students will enjoy. It will suit ages 6 to 8 elementary students best. 

13. Can Bears Ski by Raymond Antrobus 

Can Bears Ski by Raymond Antrobus

One of the titles in this list of best winter books for elementary students that will teach them how to sympathize with other people. The “Can Bears Ski By Raymond Antrobus” tells a story about a bear who is deaf and needs to use hearing aids. While young children are not used to treating people who are different from them, this book will teach them how to do so in a good way, particularly for people who experience deafness. What a great way to spend winter holiday by learning to be a person with sympathy. 

14. The Real Santa by Nancy Redd

The Real Santa by Nancy Redd

This list of best winter books for elementary students wouldn’t be complete without a book that tells about the story of santa. This book tells a story about a black family and their journey of discovering what Santa really looks like. A fun story that ages 6 to 8 elementary students could relate to. It is also a great book to start introducing to elementary students about how to appreciate the idea of diversity. 

15. Saint Nicholas The Giftgiver

Saint Nicholas The Giftgiver

Probably a must-have item on this list of winter books for elementary students. This book tells them a story about the reason behind gift giving during Christmas and the history about Santa. Children will always associate winter with Christmas and Christmas with Santa and gifts. Thus, it is the perfect book for ages 6 to 7 years old to know the real story behind Santa and gifts on Christmas. .  

16. Brother’s Keeper by Julia Lee 

Brother’s Keeper by Julia Lee

The setting of this book is during the Korean War in 1950 about a pair of siblings who need to survive the cold winter day as they are trying to escape North Korea. A thrilling story for elementary students. This book is more suitable for elementary students who are between the ages of 8 to 12. This book is a little harder to read than the previous ones, but still simple enough for elementary students to understand and enjoy. They will surely be reading all winter holidays with this book.  

17. The Evil Wizard Smallbone by Della Sherman

The Evil Wizard Smallbone by Della Sherman

The book that is more suitable for the older elementary students is called “The Evil Wizard Smallbone” by Della Sherman. A good exposure for them to fantasy stories that includes wizards, magic, and all that fun stuff during a winter blizzard. Thia fantasy genre book is made particularly for ages 8 to 12. The book is quite lengthy, about 400 pages long, which will keep them occupied throughout the winter holidays. The perfect book for those who love to read. 

18. Warriors In Winter (Magic Tree House) by Mary Pope Osborne 

Warriors In Winter (Magic Tree House) by Mary Pope Osborne 

Coming from a personal library, the Magic Tree House series is surely the popular one between elementary students. In this title, they talk all things about the Roman soldiers and their journey of being like one. A book that will get them to immerse themselves in a fun winter adventure with these Roman soldiers. The Magic Tree House is a series that covers many different topics in a fun way. It is a great series that will introduce them to many different things.  If they enjoy this book, you can get the other topics for them as well.   

19. Winter Survival by L. R. Hanson

Winter Survival by L. R. Hanson

Another must have on this list of best winter books for elementary students. This book will broaden their knowledge about how animals survive the cold winter weather. The illustration is also bright and full-color which will be engaging with the elementary students. The book is suitable for elementary students ages 6 to 12 years old. It will be their favorite go-to read for sometime. 

20. What Are The Winter Olympics? by Gail Herman

What Are The Winter Olympics? by Gail Herman

This book will tell them all things they need to know about the winter olympics. The history, the games, and all other things about winter olympics that will excite them. The illustration in this book is in black white which will suit the older elementary students around age 8 to 12 better. If they are into sports, they will easily love this book. 

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21. The Snow Dance by Addie Boswell

The Snow Dance by Addie Boswell

The story of a young dancing girl who is about to show her dancing skills on one snowy day. “The Snow Dance” by Addie Boswell is extra entertaining with the bright and expressive illustrations it comes with. The book is made for elementary students at ages 6 to 7 years old. If they happen to enjoy dancing, this book is perfect for them. 

22. The Shortest Day by Wendy Pfeffer

The Shortest Day by Wendy Pfeffer

This book explains about the shortest day in a year. There has been fear surrounding the idea of the days getting shorter, but this book will explain the real thing that actually happens. A great book to let elementary students know about this not-so-bright phenomenon surrounding winter. 

23. The Survivor Diaries by Terry Lynn Johnson 

The Survivor Diaries by Terry Lynn Johnson

The “Survivor Diaries Avalanche!” by Terry Lynn Johnson is a book that will suit elementary students between the ages 8 to 12. The story is about surviving an avalanche which is a common occurrence in some parts of the world during winter. An adventurous type of story that surely older elementary students would enjoy. The book is not super long, only around 100 pages long. Even if they don’t really enjoy reading that much, they could still enjoy this book because it is not too heavy and long. 

24. Race To The Frozen North by Catherine Johnson

Race To The Frozen North by Catherine Johnson

If the elementary student that you know is a heavy reader, you can consider getting them this “Race To The Frozen North” by Catherine Johnson. You need to keep in mind that this book is particularly on the harder side to read. However, the message of the story is really good and will help inspire those elementary students to be resilient and hopeful in trying to achieve something. 

25. Brian’s Winter by Gary Paulsen

Brian’s Winter by Gary Paulsen

Another adventure story book in this list of best winter books for elementary students. This book tells the story about a boy named Brian surviving the deadly northern winter. A type of story that older elementary students around the age 10 to 12 years old will enjoy. It is a great book to get them to know more about nature and how dangerous it can get during winter. 

26. The Endless Steppe by Esther Hautzig

The Endless Steppe by Esther Hautzig

One of those titles on this list of best winter books for elementary students that tells a very sentimental and heartwarming story of a Jewish family. The Holocaust is an event in the history that we can’t never overlook especially the struggle of the Jewish people to stay alive by escaping to other places, even to places like Siberia which has an extreme cold winter weather. The perfect read for their last years of elementary school and has been loved by many since the story first published around 50 years ago. 

27. Dog Driven by Terry Lynn Johnson

Dog Driven by Terry Lynn Johnson

We need to put in the book titled “Dog Driven” by Terry Lynn Johnson to end this list of best winter books for elementary students. A story about a girl with bad eyesight trying to win a dog sledding race as per her sister’s request. Definitely an interesting story on how to survive the wilderness even when you can’t see things clearly. It is even better for those who love dogs. 

latest post:

What are the best winter books for elementary students?

There are several great books on this list of best winter books for elementary students. So it is hard to pick just one best. If you are looking for younger elementary students, the “Santa Mouse Makes A Christmas Wish” by Michael Brown is a great choice. The illustrations are super nice, the story is very simple, and the message it tries to convey will inspire them to grow to be a great person. If you are looking for books that will help broaden their knowledge on winter related topics, the “Do Frogs Drink Hot Chocolate? How Animals Keep Warm” by Etta Kaner will be a great choice. It tells the story about how different animals survive winter in a cute and fun way. Lastly, if you are looking for a more heavy read for older elementary students, “The Endless Steppe” by Esther Hautzig is a great book. Loved by many since 50 years ago, this book tells a heartwarming yet powerful story that will let them learn many things about life. 

Is reading a book good in winter?

During winter, it is the best time to snuggle up at home reading some good books.Also, the weather outside is just too cold, thus staying in reading a book is always a great idea. You have probably been busy working or studying all year and winter break is the right time for you to catch up on your reading.  

How do I know if a book is appropriate for my child?

It is actually super simple to know whether a book is appropriate for your child or not. Most children’s books have the age range written on it so you can just check the sign when you are trying to buy a book for your child. You can also do some research first for each specific title before buying it just to make sure that you are buying the right book that has the right message you want your kids to learn. 

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